About Us
Who we are
Postcode Area helps people from all areas of the UK to locate and find postcode data/information in all cities and regions, including England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales postcodes.
Our goal is to bring together data about all postcode areas in the UK, from geographical data through to local businesses, events, weather reports, local hotels, road traffic information and much more as we continue to grow.
We hope that our free service allows you to find out more about your local area, research postcode information and make decisions based on our data.
We've been passionate about hyperlocal data for almost 15 years since our parent company, CliqTo Media has been in operation. Founder Chris Haycock has been collecting, analysing and publishing local data since 2004.
The data used on Postcode Area comes from a variety of sources, including our own research. Third-party sources include open government datasets, the Land Registry, Census 2011, Office for National Statistics and the Home Office (for police/crime data).
Who's behind this?
Our website is owned and operated by CliqTo Ltd (registered company number 7575287), a company who specialises in building niche websites incorporating hyperlocal data.
Managing Director Chris Haycock has been building websites as part of his portfolio of online properties since 2004 when he built BritEvents, an events listings guide.
Since then, the number of website in his company's portfolio has grown exponentially (now more than 30), and cover a wide range of sectors, including home improvement, law, start-up businesses, health and fitness, leisure, and finance.
Since then, his company's portfolio of websites has grown to more than 30, covering a wide range of sectors, including home improvement, law, start-up businesses, health and fitness, leisure, and finance.
Today, Chris offers a range of digital marketing services and training for businesses of all sizes and ages, specialising in all areas of online marketing, including development, design, persuasion methodologies and digital strategies.
About Us
Postcode Area helps people in all areas of the UK to locate and find postcode data and information for cities and towns in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.
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© Postcode Area / CliqTo Ltd and Chris Haycock. Registered company number 7575287.
Unit 8 Palmbourne Industrial Park, Castle Street, Stafford, England, ST16 2TB,