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Twickenham (TW1)

The TW1 postcode area is located in the Twickenham postcode town region, within the county of Greater London, and contains a total of 1407 individual postcodes.

There are 5 electoral wards in the TW1 postcode area, including Ashford, Brentford, Egham, Feltham, Hampton, Hounslow, Isleworth, Richmond, Shepperton, Staines, Sunbury-On-Thames, Teddington, Twickenham which come under the local authority of the Richmond upon Thames Council.

Combining the whole postcode region, 52% of people in TW1 are classed as having an AB social grade, (i.e. 'white-collar' middle-upper class), compared to 27% across the UK.

This does not mean that the people of TW1 are wealthier - or higher class - than average, but it can be an indication that the area may be prospering and desirable to live in.

The TW1 postcode is part of the Twickenham district, located in the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames. It covers the Town Centre, Heath Road, Osborne Road, and Twickenham Green.

Twickenham is a popular residential and commercial area, close to Greater London and connected by road and rail to central London and the South East. The area is home to a diverse population and a wealth of attractions, including Richmond Park, a wealth of shops, pubs and restaurants, a historic riverside area, and an international rugby stadium.

The TW1 postcode covers the majority of the town centre, where visitors can find a selection of shops, restaurants, and cafes, as well as a handful of pubs. Twickenham Green is also part of the TW1 postcode and is a popular park, which hosts an annual flower show.

Heath Road, located within the TW1 postcode area is a popular residential area, comprising a mixture of large detached homes, as well as terraced housing.

Osborne Road is located within the TW1 postcode area and is close to the River Thames. This area comprises mainly of detached homes and apartments, with a number of open spaces around the area too. There is also a selection of restaurants, shops, and pubs in this area.

In terms of transport, TW1 is well connected, with several tube and bus stops in the area, as well as a train station close by. There are also a range of major roads providing access to central London and the South East.

Twickenham is a vibrant area, with plenty to see and do. It's home to a diverse population, as well as a number of historic buildings, parks, and open spaces. This makes it a popular residential area as well as an attractive tourist destination.

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  • 89%WORKING

11% of people in TW1 are either unemployed or full time students. The average UK unemployment rate is currently 4%.


  • 52%AB
  • 39%C2/C2
  • 8%DE

According to census records, 52% of people here have a social grade of AB (highest), compared to the national average of 27%.


  • 72%WHITE
  • 28%NON-WHITE

72% of people class themselves as 'white', compared to a national UK average of 81.9%.

Open Rent
TW1Greater London

Greater London

The county of Greater London

TW1 is located in the county of Greater London, in England.

Greater London has a total population of 8,778,500, making it the 1st largest county in the UK.

Greater London has a total area of 606 square miles, and a population density of 5594 people per square kilometre. For comparison, Greater London has a density of 5,618 people/km2.

Greater London Postal Town Map
Outward CodeTW1
Postal TownTwickenham
MSOA NameRichmond upon Thames 011
LSOA NameRichmond upon Thames 011C
CountyGreater London
RegionGreater London
Local AuthorityRichmond upon Thames
Area ClassificationUrban with Major Conurbation

TW1 Electoral Wards

The postal region of TW1, includes the local towns, villages, electoral wards and stations of:

Cole Park
St Margarets
Browse Postcodes in TW1

Dig even deeper into the TW1 postcode by clicking on a postcode below:

Click on an outward postal code below for more information about the area. Each 'outward' postcode give you a comprehensive list of all postcodes within the outward code area (TW) and estimated address.

Click on an 'outward' code for more information. For example, the outward postcode page 'EC2M' will give you an alphabetical list covering all postcodes located in the region, from 'EC2M 1BB' through to 'EC2M 7YA'.

Your views ofTW1

Chris H

Monday, December 2, 2024

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