RH5 (Dorking)

Redhill (RH5) Postcode Area

Dorking, in the scenic Surrey Hills, offers a blend of countryside charm and urban convenience. This historic market town is known for its quaint boutiques, cafés, and the iconic Box Hill nearby, perfect for outdoor enthusiasts. With excellent transport links to London via the train, Dorking is ideal for commuters. Residents enjoy a strong community spirit, varied amenities, and annual events like the Dorking Halls performances. It’s a place to call home, rich in history and surrounded by natural beauty.


Dorking (RH5) postcode district is located in the ceremonial county of Surrey, and is part of the Redhill postal town.

The RH5 postcode district, located in Surrey, is home to approximately 12,250 residents, making it the most densely populated area in the borough. The average house price stands at £485,000, significantly higher than the UK average of £288,000. The area boasts a high percentage of well-educated residents, with 39.4% holding Level 4 qualifications. Additionally, the community is predominantly White, comprising 95.9% of the population.

Settlements within RH5 include:

Abinger Common, Beare Green, Blackbrook, Broadmoor, Capel, Clark's Green, Coldharbour, Cudworth, Forest Green, Fredley, Friday Street, Givons Grove, Holmbury St Mary, Holmwood Corner, Mayes Green, Mickleham, Mid Holmwood, Newdigate, Oakwoodhill, Ockley, Parkgate, Paynes Green, Polesden Lacey, Ranmore Common, Shellwood Cross, South Holmwood, Stonebridge, Sutton Abinger, Walliswood, Westhumble, Wotton



Homes in RH5

51% male, 49% female
2.5 people per household

Household Income


per annum

UK average: £38,100 (Jul 23)
Poverty rate: 10%

Redhill RH5 - Postcode

Postcode Area


Redhill, Surrey

Redhill RH5 - Outward Codes

Total Outward Codes



Redhill RH5 - Population




Redhill RH5 - Population Density

Population Density



Redhill RH5 - Income

Average Income


per household

People and Demographics


The RH5 area, particularly around Dorking, showcases a diverse demographic profile. With an average age of 44.5, the population is slightly older than the UK average of 40.7. The marital status breakdown reveals that 52.7% of residents are married, while 29.9% are single. The area is also notable for its low ethnic diversity, with 95.9% identifying as White.


Percentage of people in Redhill RH5 who are classed as being unemployed at Census 2021.

  • UK average: 4.3%
    Unemployment Icon

    With an unemployment rate of 4% in Dorking RH5, this postcode is slightly below the UK average of 4.3%, indicating a balanced local job market.

    Such a rate suggests reasonable employment opportunities, contributing to a stable community where residents are more likely to invest in the area, supporting local businesses and fostering neighbourhood growth.


    Percentage of residents in the RH5 postcode region who identify as white.

  • UK average: 81.7%
    Ethnicity Icon

    With 95% of Dorking RH5 residents identifying as White, this postcode has a predominantly homogenous population with limited ethnic diversity.

    While the community shares common traditions and cultural practices, efforts to promote inclusivity and cultural awareness can further enhance neighbourhood cohesion and enrich residents' experiences.

    Redhill RH5 - Population Growth

    Population Growth


    per annum

    Population growth means that the population of Redhill RH5 is increasing by 2% each year.

    Across the UK, (England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales), the average population grown from 2023-2024 is 0.66%.

    Redhill RH5 - Percentage of Children



    Are under 18 years old

    18% of Redhill RH5 are under the age of 18 at the time of the Census 2021.

    Dorking RH5 aligns closely with the UK average of 17.4%. This indicates a balanced mix of families and other household types, with amenities catering to both children and adults.

    Redhill RH5 - Retired



    Are enjoying retirement

    15% of Redhill RH5 are retired at the time of the Census 2021.

    Dorking RH5 aligns closely with the UK average of 16%, a mixed community of working-age individuals and retirees. Local amenities are likely to be diverse, and cater to both younger and older residents.

    Census 2021 Demographics

    Who lives and works in RH5?

    Analysing the RH5 population's characteristics, including age distribution and cultural diversity, provides valuable insights into the composition of the community.


    Analysing the RH5 population's characteristics, including age distribution and cultural diversity provides valuable insights into the composition of a local community.


    The RH5 area, particularly around Dorking, showcases a diverse demographic profile. With an average age of 44.5, the population is slightly older than the UK average of 40.7. The marital status breakdown reveals that 52.7% of residents are married, while 29.9% are single. The area is also notable for its low ethnic diversity, with 95.9% identifying as White.

    Redhill RH5 - Population Growth

    Population Growth


    per annum

    Population growth means that the population of Redhill RH5 is increasing by 2% each year.

    Across the UK, (England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales), the average population grown from 2023-2024 is 0.66%.

    Redhill RH5 - Percentage of Children



    of Redhill RH5 are under the age of 18 at the time of the Census 2021.

    Redhill RH5 - Retired



    of Redhill RH5 are retired at the time of the Census 2021.

    Gender Ratio

    51% male
    49% female

    Gender ratio in census data means the number of males for every 100 females in a population, helping us understand the balance between men and women in a specific area.

    Age Distribution


    are adults

    Age distribution refers to how different age groups are spread within a population, showing the number of people in each age range. This helps understand the population's structure and potential needs.

    Redhill RH5 - Age Distribution

    Age Distribution

    "Age Distribution by 5-year bands" in the Census 2021 breaks down the population into groups based on age ranges, each spanning five years (e.g., 0-4, 5-9, 10-14, etc.). This helps to see how many people fall into each age group, providing a clear picture of the age structure in an area.

    4 years and under
    5 to 9 years
    10 to 14 years
    15 to 19 years
    20 to 24 years
    25 to 29 years
    30 to 34 years
    35 to 39 years
    40 to 44 years
    45 to 49 years
    50 to 54 years
    55 to 59 years
    60 to 64 years
    65 to 69 years
    70 to 74 years
    75 to 79 years
    80 to 84 years
    85 years and over
     Line shows UK average.
    Redhill RH5 - Living Arrangements

    Living Arrangements

    "Living Arrangements" in the Census 2021 refers to people's relationship status and how they live with others. It includes whether someone is married, in a civil partnership, cohabiting as a couple, separated, divorced, or single, and whether they live with a partner, alone, or with others.

    Living as a couple
    Living in a couple (married)
    Living in a couple (separated)
    Living in a couple (cohabiting)
    Not living as a couple
     Line shows UK average.
    Redhill RH5 - Legal Partnership

    Legal Partnership

    Legal partnership status of residents in the Redhill (RH5) district, offering insights into the diversity of relationship statuses in the area. This dataset classifies residents aged 16+ in England & Wales by their partnership status.

    Civil Partnership
     Line shows UK average.
    Redhill RH5 - Gender Identity

    Gender Identity

    "Gender Identity" in the Census 2021 refers to how people personally identify their gender, which may or may not align with the sex they were assigned at birth. It includes options like male, female, non-binary, or other identities, reflecting how individuals see themselves.

    Same as sex registered at birth
    Different from sex registered at birth
    Trans woman
    Trans man
     Line shows UK average.


    Dig even deeper into the RH5 postcode:

    Click on an postal code below for more information about the area. Each postcode give you a comprehensive overview of the postcode neighbourhood, including address, demographics, crime, transport, amenities and house prices in Redhill (RH5).

    RH5 4AA RH5 4AB RH5 4AD RH5 4AE RH5 4AF RH5 4AG RH5 4AH RH5 4AJ RH5 4AL RH5 4AN RH5 4AP RH5 4AQ RH5 4AR RH5 4AS RH5 4AT RH5 4AU RH5 4AW RH5 4AX RH5 4AY RH5 4AZ RH5 4BA RH5 4BB RH5 4BD RH5 4BE RH5 4BF RH5 4BG RH5 4BH RH5 4BJ RH5 4BL RH5 4BN RH5 4BP RH5 4BQ RH5 4BS RH5 4BT RH5 4BU RH5 4BW RH5 4BX RH5 4BY RH5 4BZ RH5 4DA RH5 4DB RH5 4DD RH5 4DE RH5 4DF RH5 4DG RH5 4DH RH5 4DJ RH5 4DL RH5 4DN RH5 4DP RH5 4DQ RH5 4DR RH5 4DS RH5 4DT RH5 4DU RH5 4DW RH5 4DX RH5 4DY RH5 4DZ RH5 4EA RH5 4EB RH5 4ED RH5 4EE RH5 4EF RH5 4EG RH5 4EH RH5 4EJ RH5 4EL RH5 4EN RH5 4EP RH5 4EQ RH5 4ER RH5 4ES RH5 4ET RH5 4EU RH5 4EW RH5 4EX RH5 4EY RH5 4EZ RH5 4FA RH5 4FB RH5 4FD RH5 4FE RH5 4FF RH5 4FG RH5 4FH RH5 4FJ RH5 4FL RH5 4FN RH5 4FP RH5 4FQ RH5 4FR RH5 4FS RH5 4FT RH5 4FU RH5 4FW RH5 4FX RH5 4FY RH5 4FZ RH5 4GA RH5 4GB RH5 4GD RH5 4GE RH5 4GF RH5 4GG RH5 4HA RH5 4HB RH5 4HD RH5 4HE RH5 4HF RH5 4HG RH5 4HH RH5 4HJ RH5 4HL RH5 4HN RH5 4HP RH5 4HQ RH5 4HR RH5 4HS RH5 4HT RH5 4HW RH5 4HY RH5 4HZ RH5 4JA RH5 4JB RH5 4JD RH5 4JG RH5 4JH RH5 4JJ RH5 4JL RH5 4JN RH5 4JP RH5 4JQ RH5 4JR RH5 4JS RH5 4JT RH5 4JU RH5 4JW RH5 4JX RH5 4JY RH5 4JZ RH5 4LA RH5 4LB RH5 4LD RH5 4LE RH5 4LF RH5 4LG RH5 4LH RH5 4LJ RH5 4LL RH5 4LN RH5 4LP RH5 4LQ RH5 4LR RH5 4LS RH5 4LT RH5 4LU RH5 4LW RH5 4LX RH5 4LY RH5 4LZ RH5 4NA RH5 4NB RH5 4ND RH5 4NE RH5 4NF RH5 4NG RH5 4NH RH5 4NJ RH5 4NL RH5 4NN RH5 4NP RH5 4NQ RH5 4NR RH5 4NS RH5 4NT RH5 4NU RH5 4NW RH5 4NX RH5 4NY RH5 4NZ RH5 4PA RH5 4PD RH5 4PE RH5 4PF RH5 4PG RH5 4PH RH5 4PL RH5 4PN RH5 4PP RH5 4PQ RH5 4PR RH5 4PS RH5 4PT RH5 4PU RH5 4PW RH5 4PX RH5 4PY RH5 4PZ RH5 4QA RH5 4QB RH5 4QD RH5 4QE RH5 4QF RH5 4QG RH5 4QH RH5 4QJ RH5 4QL RH5 4QN RH5 4QP RH5 4QQ RH5 4QR RH5 4QS RH5 4QT RH5 4QU RH5 4QW RH5 4QX RH5 4QY RH5 4QZ RH5 4RA RH5 4RB RH5 4RD RH5 4RE RH5 4RF RH5 4RG RH5 4RH RH5 4RJ RH5 4RL RH5 4RN RH5 4RP RH5 4RQ RH5 4RR RH5 4RS RH5 4RT RH5 4RU RH5 4RW RH5 4SB RH5 4SD RH5 4SE RH5 4SF RH5 4SG RH5 4SH RH5 4SJ RH5 4SL RH5 4SQ RH5 4TA RH5 4TB RH5 4TD RH5 4TE RH5 4TF RH5 4TG RH5 4TH RH5 4TJ RH5 4TL RH5 4TN RH5 4TP RH5 4TQ RH5 4TR RH5 4TS RH5 4TT RH5 4TU RH5 4TW RH5 4TX RH5 4TY RH5 4TZ RH5 4UA RH5 4UZ RH5 4WA RH5 4WB RH5 4WE RH5 4WJ RH5 4WL RH5 4WN RH5 4WX RH5 4WY RH5 4WZ RH5 4XY RH5 4XZ RH5 4YA RH5 4YB RH5 4YD RH5 4YE RH5 4YF RH5 4YG RH5 4YH RH5 4YJ RH5 4YL RH5 4YN RH5 4YP RH5 4YQ RH5 4YR RH5 4YS RH5 4YT RH5 4YU RH5 4YW RH5 4YX RH5 4YY RH5 4YZ
    RH5 5AA RH5 5AB RH5 5AD RH5 5AE RH5 5AF RH5 5AG RH5 5AH RH5 5AJ RH5 5AL RH5 5AN RH5 5AP RH5 5AQ RH5 5AR RH5 5AS RH5 5AT RH5 5AU RH5 5AW RH5 5AX RH5 5AY RH5 5AZ RH5 5BA RH5 5BB RH5 5BD RH5 5BE RH5 5BF RH5 5BG RH5 5BH RH5 5BJ RH5 5BL RH5 5BN RH5 5BP RH5 5BQ RH5 5BS RH5 5BT RH5 5BU RH5 5BW RH5 5BX RH5 5BY RH5 5BZ RH5 5DA RH5 5DB RH5 5DD RH5 5DE RH5 5DH RH5 5DJ RH5 5DL RH5 5DN RH5 5DP RH5 5DQ RH5 5DR RH5 5DS RH5 5DT RH5 5DU RH5 5DW RH5 5DX RH5 5DY RH5 5DZ RH5 5EA RH5 5ED RH5 5EE RH5 5EF RH5 5EG RH5 5EH RH5 5EJ RH5 5EL RH5 5EN RH5 5EP RH5 5EQ RH5 5ER RH5 5ES RH5 5ET RH5 5EU RH5 5EW RH5 5EX RH5 5EY RH5 5FA RH5 5FB RH5 5FD RH5 5FE RH5 5FF RH5 5FG RH5 5FH RH5 5FJ RH5 5FL RH5 5FN RH5 5FP RH5 5FQ RH5 5FR RH5 5FS RH5 5FT RH5 5FU RH5 5FW RH5 5FX RH5 5FY RH5 5FZ RH5 5GA RH5 5GB RH5 5HA RH5 5HB RH5 5HD RH5 5HE RH5 5HF RH5 5HG RH5 5HH RH5 5HJ RH5 5HL RH5 5HN RH5 5HP RH5 5HQ RH5 5HR RH5 5HS RH5 5HT RH5 5HU RH5 5HW RH5 5HY RH5 5HZ RH5 5JA RH5 5JB RH5 5JD RH5 5JE RH5 5JF RH5 5JG RH5 5JH RH5 5JJ RH5 5JL RH5 5JN RH5 5JP RH5 5JQ RH5 5JS RH5 5JT RH5 5JU RH5 5JW RH5 5JX RH5 5JY RH5 5JZ RH5 5LA RH5 5LB RH5 5LD RH5 5LE RH5 5LF RH5 5LG RH5 5LH RH5 5LJ RH5 5LL RH5 5LN RH5 5LP RH5 5LQ RH5 5LS RH5 5LT RH5 5LU RH5 5LW RH5 5LX RH5 5LY RH5 5NA RH5 5NB RH5 5ND RH5 5NE RH5 5NG RH5 5NH RH5 5NJ RH5 5NL RH5 5NN RH5 5NP RH5 5NR RH5 5NS RH5 5NT RH5 5NU RH5 5NW RH5 5PA RH5 5PB RH5 5PD RH5 5PE RH5 5PF RH5 5PG RH5 5PH RH5 5PJ RH5 5PL RH5 5PN RH5 5PP RH5 5PQ RH5 5PR RH5 5PS RH5 5PT RH5 5PU RH5 5PW RH5 5PX RH5 5PY RH5 5PZ RH5 5QA RH5 5QB RH5 5QD RH5 5QE RH5 5QG RH5 5QH RH5 5QJ RH5 5QP RH5 5QR RH5 5QS RH5 5QT RH5 5QU RH5 5QX RH5 5QY RH5 5QZ RH5 5RD RH5 5RE RH5 5RG RH5 5RH RH5 5RJ RH5 5RL RH5 5RP RH5 5RQ RH5 5RR RH5 5RS RH5 5RT RH5 5RX RH5 5RY RH5 5RZ RH5 5SA RH5 5SB RH5 5SD RH5 5SF RH5 5SG RH5 5SH RH5 5SJ RH5 5SL RH5 5SN RH5 5SP RH5 5SQ RH5 5SS RH5 5ST RH5 5SU RH5 5SX RH5 5SY RH5 5SZ RH5 5TA RH5 5TB RH5 5TD RH5 5TE RH5 5TF RH5 5TG RH5 5TH RH5 5TJ RH5 5TL RH5 5TN RH5 5TP RH5 5TQ RH5 5TR RH5 5TS RH5 5TT RH5 5WB RH5 5WD RH5 5WE RH5 5WF RH5 5WJ RH5 5WL RH5 5WN RH5 5WP RH5 5WQ RH5 5WR RH5 5WS RH5 5WT RH5 5WU RH5 5WW RH5 5WX RH5 5WY RH5 5WZ RH5 5XB RH5 5YA RH5 5YB RH5 5YD RH5 5YE RH5 5YF RH5 5YG RH5 5YH RH5 5YJ RH5 5YL RH5 5YN RH5 5YP RH5 5YQ RH5 5YR RH5 5YS RH5 5YT RH5 5YU RH5 5YW RH5 5YX RH5 5YY RH5 5YZ RH5 5ZE
    RH5 6AA RH5 6AB RH5 6AD RH5 6AE RH5 6AF RH5 6AG RH5 6AH RH5 6AJ RH5 6AL RH5 6AN RH5 6AP RH5 6AQ RH5 6AR RH5 6AS RH5 6AT RH5 6AU RH5 6AW RH5 6AX RH5 6AY RH5 6AZ RH5 6BA RH5 6BB RH5 6BD RH5 6BE RH5 6BF RH5 6BG RH5 6BH RH5 6BJ RH5 6BL RH5 6BN RH5 6BP RH5 6BQ RH5 6BS RH5 6BT RH5 6BU RH5 6BW RH5 6BX RH5 6BY RH5 6BZ RH5 6DA RH5 6DB RH5 6DD RH5 6DE RH5 6DF RH5 6DG RH5 6DH RH5 6DJ RH5 6DL RH5 6DN RH5 6DP RH5 6DQ RH5 6DR RH5 6DU RH5 6DW RH5 6DX RH5 6DY RH5 6EA RH5 6EB RH5 6ED RH5 6EE RH5 6EF RH5 6EG RH5 6EH RH5 6EJ RH5 6EL RH5 6EN RH5 6EP RH5 6EQ RH5 6ER RH5 6ES RH5 6ET RH5 6EW RH5 6EX RH5 6EZ RH5 6FA RH5 6FB RH5 6FD RH5 6FE RH5 6FF RH5 6FG RH5 6FH RH5 6FJ RH5 6FL RH5 6FN RH5 6FP RH5 6FQ RH5 6FR RH5 6FS RH5 6FT RH5 6FU RH5 6FW RH5 6FX RH5 6FY RH5 6HA RH5 6HB RH5 6HD RH5 6HE RH5 6HF RH5 6HG RH5 6HH RH5 6HJ RH5 6HN RH5 6HP RH5 6HQ RH5 6HS RH5 6HT RH5 6HX RH5 6HY RH5 6HZ RH5 6JA RH5 6JB RH5 6JD RH5 6JE RH5 6JF RH5 6JH RH5 6JJ RH5 6JL RH5 6JN RH5 6JP RH5 6JQ RH5 6JR RH5 6JS RH5 6JU RH5 6JW RH5 6JX RH5 6JY RH5 6JZ RH5 6LA RH5 6LB RH5 6LG RH5 6LH RH5 6LJ RH5 6LL RH5 6LN RH5 6LP RH5 6LQ RH5 6LS RH5 6LU RH5 6LW RH5 6LX RH5 6LY RH5 6LZ RH5 6NA RH5 6NB RH5 6ND RH5 6NE RH5 6NH RH5 6NJ RH5 6NL RH5 6NN RH5 6NP RH5 6NR RH5 6NS RH5 6NT RH5 6NU RH5 6NW RH5 6NX RH5 6PB RH5 6PD RH5 6PE RH5 6PF RH5 6PG RH5 6PN RH5 6PR RH5 6PS RH5 6PT RH5 6PU RH5 6PW RH5 6PX RH5 6PY RH5 6PZ RH5 6QA RH5 6QB RH5 6QD RH5 6QE RH5 6QF RH5 6QG RH5 6QH RH5 6QJ RH5 6QL RH5 6QN RH5 6QP RH5 6QQ RH5 6QR RH5 6QS RH5 6QT RH5 6QW RH5 6QX RH5 6QY RH5 6QZ RH5 6RA RH5 6RB RH5 6RD RH5 6RE RH5 6RG RH5 6RH RH5 6RJ RH5 6RL RH5 6RN RH5 6RP RH5 6RQ RH5 6RR RH5 6RS RH5 6RX RH5 6RY RH5 6RZ RH5 6SA RH5 6SB RH5 6SD RH5 6SE RH5 6SF RH5 6SG RH5 6SH RH5 6SJ RH5 6SL RH5 6SN RH5 6SP RH5 6SQ RH5 6SR RH5 6SS RH5 6ST RH5 6SU RH5 6SX RH5 6SY RH5 6SZ RH5 6TD RH5 6TE RH5 6TF RH5 6TG RH5 6TQ RH5 6WA RH5 6WB RH5 6WD RH5 6WE RH5 6WL RH5 6WP RH5 6WX RH5 6WY RH5 6XQ RH5 6YA RH5 6YB RH5 6YD RH5 6YE RH5 6YF RH5 6YG RH5 6YH RH5 6YJ RH5 6YL RH5 6YN RH5 6YP RH5 6YQ RH5 6YR RH5 6YS RH5 6YT RH5 6YU RH5 6YW RH5 6YX RH5 6YY RH5 6YZ RH5 6ZP

    Word Cloud for RH5

    We've trawled social media and the web to discover words that describe the postcode district of RH5:

    Nearby Towns & Cities

    RH5 Postcode area

    The following towns and villages can be found close to Dorking RH5:

    South Nutfield

    Population 1,922

    0.5 miles

    Located in Surrey, South Nutfield is a peaceful and picturesque village with a strong sense of community, beautiful countryside views, historic architecture, and excellent transport links for those seeking a tranquil yet well-connected place to call home in the UK.

    Nearest Postcode Areas:


    Population 22,123

    2 miles

    Located in the picturesque county of Surrey, Reigate is a charming town known for its historic architecture, vibrant high street, beautiful parks, and strong sense of community, making it an ideal place to settle down and enjoy a quintessentially British lifestyle.

    Nearest Postcode Areas:

    South Earlswood

    Population 4,450

    2.1 miles

    South Earlswood, located in Surrey, offers a peaceful suburban lifestyle with a range of amenities including quaint pubs, beautiful parks, and excellent schools, making it an ideal choice for families looking to settle down in a friendly and welcoming community.

    Nearest Postcode Areas:


    Population 1,491

    2.3 miles

    Salfords, located in Surrey, boasts a strong sense of community, a variety of local amenities, and convenient transport links to nearby towns and London, making it an ideal choice for those looking for a peaceful yet connected place to call home.

    Nearest Postcode Areas:


    Population 2,221

    2.3 miles

    Bletchingley, a historic village in Surrey, offers a quintessentially English countryside setting complete with a picturesque high street, stunning medieval church, and a strong sense of community spirit that makes it a delightful place to call home.

    Nearest Postcode Areas:


    Population 678

    3.6 miles

    Chaldon, located in Surrey, is a historic village known for its picturesque countryside views and the stunning Chaldon Church, which features a rare Saxon wall painting dating back to the 12th century.

    Nearest Postcode Areas:


    Population 2,564

    3.7 miles

    Godstone, located in Surrey, is a quaint village with a rich history, offering a peaceful countryside lifestyle with easy access to the vibrant city of London for the best of both worlds.

    Nearest Postcode Areas:

    Lower Kingswood

    Population 1,760

    3.9 miles

    Lower Kingswood, located in Surrey, offers a peaceful village atmosphere with easy access to nearby towns and stunning countryside, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a perfect balance between rural living and urban convenience.

    Nearest Postcode Areas:

    Local Authorities

    RH5 Postal Town

    The RH5 postcode includes the following local authorities:

    • Guildford
    • Horsham
    • Mole Valley
    • Waverley

    Crime in RH5

    How safe is this postcode sector?

    In the RH1 postcode area, crime levels have been relatively stable over the past year, with a slight increase in certain types of offenses. Policing in the area is carried out by the local police force, who are focused on addressing key hotspots and historical crime issues while also prioritizing current policing strategies to ensure the safety of residents.

    Key Hotspots

    Key hotspots in the RH1 postcode area include areas such as Redhill town centre, where incidents of anti-social behaviour and theft have been reported. Other hotspots include Merstham and Earlswood, where burglaries and vehicle-related crimes have been a concern for local residents.

    Historical Crime Issues

    In the past, the RH1 postcode area has seen a rise in drug-related crimes and violence, particularly in certain neighbourhoods. Gang activity and youth-related crimes have also been prevalent in the area, leading to increased police presence and community outreach programs to address these issues.

    Current Policing Priorities

    The local police force in the RH1 postcode area has identified several priorities for policing, including tackling anti-social behaviour in town centres, reducing burglaries in residential areas, and addressing drug-related crimes through targeted operations and community engagement. Additionally, the police are working to improve relationships with the community through regular meetings and communication channels.

    Recent crime statistics show that overall crime levels in the RH1 postcode area have remained stable, with a slight increase in certain offenses such as theft and anti-social behaviour. The local police force is actively working to address these issues and ensure the safety of residents in the area.

    Sources: Police UK Reigate & Banstead Borough Council


    Highest Rated Schools in RH5

    As rated by Ofsted

    Mortgage Calculator

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    To use the mortgage calculator, simply enter the loan amount you wish to borrow in pounds (£), the annual interest rate as a percentage (%), and the loan term in years. Click the "Calculate" button to see your estimated monthly payment.

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