Doncaster, in South Yorkshire, is a town known for its rich history and diverse community. Residents enjoy excellent transport links, including a well-connected railway station and easy access to the M1 motorway. The town offers a range of amenities, from independent shops and cafes to larger retail parks. Parks and green spaces like Sandall Park provide recreational options, while cultural gems like the Doncaster Museum and the historic Doncaster Racecourse attract visitors. With a growing food scene and community events, Doncaster is both welcoming and lively.
Doncaster (DN5) postcode district is located in the ceremonial county of South Yorkshire, and is part of the Doncaster postal town.
DN5, located in Doncaster, South Yorkshire, is a vibrant postcode area with a population of approximately 21,212 people. The average house price is £160,000, significantly lower than the UK average of £288,000. The area boasts a low crime rate, ranking 15085 out of 32482 in terms of safety, making it one of the safest neighbourhoods in Doncaster. With a diverse population and a variety of housing options, DN5 is an attractive choice for families and individuals looking for affordability and community amenities.
Settlements within DN5 include:
Almholme, Arksey, Barnburgh, Bentley, Bentley Rise, Brodsworth, Cusworth, Harlington, Haywood, Hickleton, High Melton, Highfields, Hooton Pagnell, Marr, New Village, Pickburn, Rostholme, Scawsby, Scawthorpe, Sprotbrough, Stockbridge, Sunnyfields, Tilts, Toll Bar
DN5 has a predominantly White British population, making up 96.3% of the community. The area is home to a small percentage of residents from Asian (1.4%), Black (0.7%), and Mixed backgrounds (1.4%). The average age of residents is 41.8, slightly above the UK average of 40.7 years. The population density stands at 125.4 people per sq km, which is lower than the England and Wales average of 394.6.
Percentage of people in Doncaster DN5 who are classed as being unemployed at Census 2021.
An unemployment rate of 5% in Doncaster DN5 is slightly above the UK average of 4.3%, indicating a moderate level of joblessness.
While some residents may face employment challenges, the rate still suggests a functioning local economy. Efforts to boost job opportunities could further enhance community stability and support the area's long-term growth.
Percentage of residents in the DN5 postcode region who identify as white.
With 95% of Doncaster DN5 residents identifying as White, this postcode has a predominantly homogenous population with limited ethnic diversity.
While the community shares common traditions and cultural practices, efforts to promote inclusivity and cultural awareness can further enhance neighbourhood cohesion and enrich residents' experiences.
Population growth means that the population of Doncaster DN5 is increasing by 2% each year.
Across the UK, (England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales), the average population grown from 2023-2024 is 0.66%.
Are under 18 years old
20% of Doncaster DN5 are under the age of 18 at the time of the Census 2021.
Doncaster DN5 aligns closely with the UK average of 17.4%. This indicates a balanced mix of families and other household types, with amenities catering to both children and adults.
Are enjoying retirement
15% of Doncaster DN5 are retired at the time of the Census 2021.
Doncaster DN5 aligns closely with the UK average of 16%, a mixed community of working-age individuals and retirees. Local amenities are likely to be diverse, and cater to both younger and older residents.
Analysing the DN5 population's characteristics, including age distribution and cultural diversity, provides valuable insights into the composition of the community.
Analysing the DN5 population's characteristics, including age distribution and cultural diversity provides valuable insights into the composition of a local community.
DN5 has a predominantly White British population, making up 96.3% of the community. The area is home to a small percentage of residents from Asian (1.4%), Black (0.7%), and Mixed backgrounds (1.4%). The average age of residents is 41.8, slightly above the UK average of 40.7 years. The population density stands at 125.4 people per sq km, which is lower than the England and Wales average of 394.6.
Population growth means that the population of Doncaster DN5 is increasing by 2% each year.
Across the UK, (England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales), the average population grown from 2023-2024 is 0.66%.
of Doncaster DN5 are under the age of 18 at the time of the Census 2021.
of Doncaster DN5 are retired at the time of the Census 2021.
Gender ratio in census data means the number of males for every 100 females in a population, helping us understand the balance between men and women in a specific area.
are adults
Age distribution refers to how different age groups are spread within a population, showing the number of people in each age range. This helps understand the population's structure and potential needs.
"Age Distribution by 5-year bands" in the Census 2021 breaks down the population into groups based on age ranges, each spanning five years (e.g., 0-4, 5-9, 10-14, etc.). This helps to see how many people fall into each age group, providing a clear picture of the age structure in an area.
"Living Arrangements" in the Census 2021 refers to people's relationship status and how they live with others. It includes whether someone is married, in a civil partnership, cohabiting as a couple, separated, divorced, or single, and whether they live with a partner, alone, or with others.
Legal partnership status of residents in the Doncaster (DN5) district, offering insights into the diversity of relationship statuses in the area. This dataset classifies residents aged 16+ in England & Wales by their partnership status.
"Gender Identity" in the Census 2021 refers to how people personally identify their gender, which may or may not align with the sex they were assigned at birth. It includes options like male, female, non-binary, or other identities, reflecting how individuals see themselves.
Click on an postal code below for more information about the area. Each postcode give you a comprehensive overview of the postcode neighbourhood, including address, demographics, crime, transport, amenities and house prices in Doncaster (DN5).
We've trawled social media and the web to discover words that describe the postcode district of DN5:
The following towns and villages can be found close to Doncaster DN5:
1.1 miles
A large market town in South Yorkshire, Doncaster can be traced back to the Roman fort, built in the 1st century. Thanks to its strategic geographical position, Doncaster has traditionally been known as a prosperous area.
2.3 miles
Located in South Yorkshire, Armthorpe is a charming town with a strong sense of community, offering a peaceful atmosphere, a variety of local shops, beautiful green spaces, and easy access to both Doncaster and the stunning nature reserves of the surrounding countryside.
2.5 miles
Located in South Yorkshire, Scawthorpe is a bustling residential area with a strong sense of community, known for its proximity to the beautiful countryside of Yorkshire Wildlife Park, offering residents a mix of urban convenience and rural charm.
3.4 miles
Sprotbrough, located in South Yorkshire, is a picturesque village with a rich history, stunning river views, quaint pubs, and friendly locals, making it a perfect place to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and enjoy a peaceful, close-knit community atmosphere.
4 miles
Wadworth, located in South Yorkshire, is a quaint village known for its historic architecture, beautiful countryside surroundings, and friendly community atmosphere, making it a perfect place to settle down and enjoy a peaceful English lifestyle.
4 miles
Located in South Yorkshire, New Rossington is a charming village with a strong sense of community, boasting beautiful countryside views, a variety of local amenities, and easy access to neighboring towns like Doncaster, making it a perfect choice for those seeking a peaceful yet convenient lifestyle.
4.1 miles
Barnby Dun, located in South Yorkshire, is a quaint village with a strong sense of community, boasting picturesque countryside views, historic architecture, and easy access to nearby amenities making it an ideal place to settle down and enjoy a peaceful lifestyle in the heart of England.
4.2 miles
Located in South Yorkshire, Adwick le Street is a charming town with a rich history, picturesque countryside, and a strong sense of community, offering a tranquil yet vibrant lifestyle for those looking to settle down in a welcoming and peaceful environment.
The DN5 postcode includes the following local authorities:
The DN1 postcode area, located in Doncaster, has experienced varying levels of crime over the years. In recent statistics, crime levels have shown a decrease, with the local police force implementing strategies to address key hotspots and historical crime issues. Policing priorities are focused on ensuring the safety and security of residents in the area.
Some key hotspots in the DN1 postcode area include the town centre, where incidents of anti-social behaviour and theft have been reported. Other areas of concern include residential areas with high burglary rates and drug-related crimes.
In the past, the DN1 postcode area has faced challenges with gang-related activities, particularly in certain neighbourhoods. Drug trafficking and violence were prevalent issues that required targeted interventions from law enforcement agencies.
The local police force in the DN1 postcode area has set priorities to address the recent rise in cybercrime, particularly targeting vulnerable individuals. They are also focusing on community engagement initiatives to build trust and improve communication with residents. Additionally, efforts are being made to tackle drug-related crimes through targeted operations and partnerships with other agencies.
the DN1 postcode area has seen improvements in crime levels, with a focus on proactive policing strategies to prevent and address criminal activities. By working closely with the community and implementing targeted interventions, the local police force aims to create a safer environment for all residents.
Sources: Police UK - South Yorkshire Doncaster Council - Crime and Antisocial Behaviour
As rated by Ofsted
Barnsley Road, Doncaster, DN5 8NQ
Kirkby Avenue, Doncaster, DN5 9TF
Barnsley Road, Doncaster, DN5 7UB
High Street, Doncaster, DN5 0AA
Asquith Road, Doncaster, DN5 0NU
Finkle Street, Doncaster, DN5 0RP
Ings Way, Doncaster, DN5 0TE
Clayton Lane, Doncaster, DN5 7BT
Church Lane, Doncaster, DN5 7EZ
Field House Road, Doncaster, DN5 7RN
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