In this section, we take a look at demographic data for the people who live in the Washwood Heath ward B8 3EU postcode area. We ask who they are, what jobs they have, what their religious beliefs are, and how they live.
This demographic data for B8 3EU is useful to both individuals and organisations. People moving house to Washwood Heath may wish to research the new neighbourhood before they take the plunge. Businesses and organisations can use demographic information for market research purposes. Charities and non-profit organisations may find the information useful to determine who lives in the postcode area.
Age Breakdown
Analysis of the data shows that there is a total population size of people (residents) living here, of which 50% are recorded on official sources as male, and 50% female; women outnumber men in Washwood Heath.
There are 0 households recorded on the 2011 Census, although it is worth noting that there may have been more houses built and/or more households moved into the B8 3EU postcode area since the last census.
0-16 | 36% |
17-30 | 20% |
31-45 | 23% |
46-60 | 11% |
61-75 | 7% |
75-90 | 3% |
Household Breakdown
Analysis of the data shows that there is a total population size of people (residents) living here, of which 50% are recorded on official sources as male, and 50% female; women outnumber men in Washwood Heath.
There are 0 households recorded on the 2011 Census, although it is worth noting that there may have been more houses built and/or more households moved into the B8 3EU postcode area since the last census.
Total households | 0 |
Population | |
Men | 50% |
Women | 50% |

Hotels near B83EU
Social Grades
The social grade of people in Washwood Heath is the socio-economic classification used by the Market Research and Marketing Industries, most often in the analysis of spending habits and consumer attitudes. Originally developed by the National Readership Survey to classify their readership, they are used by many organisations and companies for market research.
Classifications for social grades are based on the occupation of the head of the household. [Click to show]:
AB | 4.7% |
C1 | 20.6% |
C2 | 19.1% |
DE | 55.7% |
Ethnic Groups
The population of B8 3EU identifies themselves as 25% white, 4% mixed, 64% Asian, and 5% black.
B8 3EU has a higher than average percentage of Asians (UK average is 6.9%).
Washwood Heath has a higher than average percentage of people identifying themselves as black (UK average is 3%).
The breakdown of ethnicity for B8 3EU is not uncommon when compared to other areas also classed as ' Urban with Major Conurbation'.
Show a [full breakdown] of the ethnic groups.
Urban with Major ConurbationWhite | 25% |
Mixed | 4% |
Asian | 64% |
Black | 5% |
Other | 1% |
Marital Status
In 2016 the ONS recorded 24.1 million people in England and Wales where were married. In B8 3EU, 50% of residents aged 16 and over are married, compared to the UK average of 50.9%.
These marital status statistics for people in Washwood Heath include census data for people aged 16 or over (excluding 16-18 year olds in education).
Single | 33% |
Married | 50% |
Other | 17% |
General Health
Population general health is a self-assessment of a person's general state of health. In the 2011 Census people in the B8 3EU postcode area were asked whether their health was very good, good, fair, bad or very bad.
People in Washwood Heath were asked to give their current state of health at the time of asking, not based on their health over a specific period of time.
Very Good | 45.5% |
Good | 33.9% |
Fair | 13.9% |
Poor | 5% |
Very Poor | 1.6% |
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Education and Work
What type of jobs do people in Washwood Heath do? Residents of B8 3EU who were aged between 16 and 74 were asked their main occupation for the Census 2011.
Across the UK, 30.4% of people are managers, directors and professionals. This compares to 14% of the workforce in B8 3EU.
21.5% of workers in B8 3EU are in elementary occupations, compared to a national average of 11.6.
Managerial & Directors | 5.7% |
Professionals | 7.7% |
Associate Professionals | 4.1% |
Admin & Secretarial | 10.9% |
Skilled Trades | 9.7% |
Caring, Leisure & Service | 12.4% |
Sales & Customer Services | 12.2% |
Plant & Machine Operatives | 15.8% |
Elementary Occupations | 21.5% |
Household Income
Whilst the UK's households bring in an average of £39,468 each year, households in B8 3EU take home £24,960, which is 1% lower than the UK average.
In 2017, the ONS found that median workplace-based earnings in predominantly urban areas (excluding London) were £22,900 while predominantly rural areas were slightly lower at £21,400.
IncomeAverage Weekly | AnnuallyAverage Salary | BirminghamRegional Area | UKAll of UK | |
Average income | £ 480 | £24,960 | £32,292 | £39,468 |
Upper average | £550 | £28,600 | £37,284 | £44,980 |
Upper average | £420 | £21,840 | £27,976 | £34,684 |
Unemployment Rates
As of May-July 2018, the ONS recorded the UK's unemployment rate at 4%. The unemployment rate of B8 3EU was recorded as being 26.5% , which is higher than the UK average.
12.5% are classed as being students in full-time education. The remaining 61% of people in B8 3EU are in work.
Working | 61% |
Unemployed | 26.5% |
Students | 12.5% |