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Taking place near CT11 8AG

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We don't want to close theatre but need to find 20k'

A town's only theatre has issued a plea for help as it tries to raise £20,000 to secure its future.

Kent Online

Hour-long queues snake round car park after charging hikes

Frustrated theatre-goers were forced to stand in an underground car park for more than an hour - just to queue to pay for parking.

Kent Online

Two drive-thrus part of business park plan

Fifty jobs could be created if plans for a new business park and two fast-food drive-thrus are approved.

Kent Online

Gove rejects 12-storey hotel and energy park plan for Bucks village

Developer Adveneco had proposed an exemplar of sustainable development for the site in Dorney.

Property Week

Town centre car park to close as film crews descend

A town centre car park is set to shut over the weekend to make way for film crews.

Kent Online