york Postcodes
York Outward Postcode (YO)
Click on an outward postal code below for more information about the area.
Each 'outward' postcode give you a comprehensive list of all postcodes within the outward code area (YO) and estimated address.
Click on an 'outward' code for more information. For example, the outward postcode page 'EC2M' will give you an alphabetical list covering all postcodes located in the region, from 'EC2M 1BB' through to 'EC2M 7YA'.
The York postcode region (YO) contains 29 unique 'outward' codes. York is the main postal town/district for this region, with all postcodes starting with the following outward codes.
This page contains a list of postcodes for York area. Select a postcode to see the map location, demographics, house prices, local information, tourist guides and statistics:
Local demographics, guides and information
There's plenty of local information, guides and useful data to browse and explore, whether you're a York resident or a visitor to the area.
Scroll down to discover all you need to know about the York postcode area.
The YO postcode includes the following local authorities:
- East Riding of Yorkshire
- Hambleton
- Harrogate
- Ryedale
- Scarborough
- Selby
- York
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From the Postcode Area blog
Showers drown UK retail sales - which stores suffered?
April's heavy rains soaked the UK retail sector, causing a significant sales slump and highlighting vulnerabilities to economic and environmental factors.
Deciphering Crime Rates - a Deep Dive Into UK Postcode Analysis
Ever wondered about the crime rate in your UK postcode? You're not alone. We've dug deep into the data, uncovering trends and patterns that'll make your head spin.
Death of the High Street?
The BBC reports that despite councils' attempts to kurb them, the UK's high streets have seen a huge growth in fast food outlets. Could this mark the death knell for the Great British high street, and what can we do about it to halt its decline?
Discrimination by Postcode
You really couldn't make it up, could you? Some of the country's most vulnerable people are missing out on their weekly £25 Cold Weather Payment, just because the system that's in operation is discriminating against them because payments are based on postcode, rather than geographic location.
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Postcode Area helps people in all areas of the UK to locate and find postcode data and information for cities and towns in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales.
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