DL1 2JSLocal Map
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IntroductionDL1 2JS

Use the postcode street map opposite - and the information below - to discover useful information for the DL1 2JS postcode area in Darlington.

We've got loads of statistics for DL1 2JS, including demographic data, local facilities, travel essentials, hotel accommodation, crime rates and much more.

Open Rent
DemographicsDL1 2JS

What social class do the population of DL1 2JS belong to? What are the predominant ethnic groups? How deprived is DL1 2JS in Darlington, how professionally qualified are the community, and how many hours a week do they work? All this, and more information and demographic statistics about DL1 2JS from the Census 2011.


  • 17%Children
  • 82%Adults

17% of people in this postcode area are children. Of the remainder, 8% are aged 76 or more.


  • 60.9%Male
  • 39.1%Female

From the last census, 60.9% of people in DL12JS male, and 39.1% female. Men outnumber women in North Road.


  • 7%AB
  • 56%C2/C2
  • 36%DE

According to census records, 7% of people here have a social grade of AB (highest), compared to the national average of 27%.


  • 35%SINGLE
  • 37%MARRIED

The percentage of people who are married in DL1 2JS is 35%. Single and 'other' people is 65%.


  • 96%WHITE

96% of people class themselves as 'white', compared to a national UK average of 81.9%


  • 87.9%WORKING

6.8% are either unemployed or students in this area. The UK unemployment rate is 4%.

See all demographics for DL1 2JS

Discover DL1 2JS

People and Demographics

People and Demographics


An in-depth look at the demographic data of the people who live in DL1 2JS, including ethnicity, religious beliefs, age breakdown and social grades.

DL1 2JS Demographics

Crime Rates and Statistics

Crime Rates

Police crime stats - see how safe it is around DL1 2JS, including burglaries, ASBOs, vehicle crime and violent crime. How does this area compare?

Crime stats in DL1 2JS

Constituency & Democracy Information


Find out the voting intentions, poll results, your local MP, 2015 election results and voting turnout for your local constituency.

DL1 2JS Constituency

Local Issues & Problems

Local Issues

In conjunction with FixMyStreet, view problems around DL1 2JS reported by local residents, including flytipping, graffiti, faulty street lighting etc.

DL1 2JS Issues

Sunrise and Sunset Times


Sunrise (dawn) and sunset (dusk) times for today as well as for the next month for the postcode area DL12JS. Wakey wakey, rise and shine!

Sunrise/sunset in DL1 2JS

Local Job Vacancies

Job Vacancies

Looking for job vacancies in the DL1 2JS area? Find out what positions are available in this area, as well as further afield in surrounding areas.

Job vacancies near DL1 2JS

Travel & Transport



Travelling to this postcode area? Find the nearest train station, railway, or nearest bus stop to DL1 2JS.

Travel around DL1 2JS

Traffic and Travel Reports

Traffic Reports

Don't let traffic become a pain in the bumper. The latest road traffic incidents & traffic jams around this postcode.

Traffic near DL1 2JS

Taxis and Minicabs

Taxi Firms

Book a taxi and leave the car at home. Here's a list of taxi and mini cab companies operating in the DL1 2JS area.

Taxis near DL1 2JS

Car Parks

Car Parks

Locate the nearest car parks near DL1 2JS, so you can leave your car safely while you pop to the shops.

Car Parks near DL1 2JS

Leisure & Outdoor Facilities

Events near DL1 2JS


From local gigs to heritage events, and car boot sales to shows at the local theatre, find out what's on around DL1 2JS.

What's on near DL1 2JS

Local Attractions


Enjoy a great family day out at a local attraction near DL1 2JS, including theme parks, castles, historic castles & more.

Attractions near DL1 2JS

Hotels and Bed & Breakfast


Comfortable, quality bed & breakfast and hotel accommodation located within a 15 miles of the postcode area DL1 2JS.

Hotels near DL1 2JS

Tourist Information

Tourist Information

Locate the nearest car parks near DL1 2JS, so you can leave your car safely while you pop to the shops.

Tourist Information DL1 2JS

Local Amenities

Banks near DL1 2JS


Find the nearest bank or building society in DL1 2JS. Map locations, email addresses & customer services phone numbers.

Banks near DL1 2JS

Cash Machines (ATMs)

Cash Machines

Locations of the nearest cash withdrawal machines (ATMs) in the DL1 2JS postcode area that dispense money.

Cach Machines near DL1 2JS



The nearest schools in the DL1 2JS area, including their latest Ofsted Results, pupil statistics and test results.

Schools near DL1 2JS

Shopping Centres

Shopping Centres

Shop until you drop at a retail park or shopping centre near here. There's nothing quite like a bit of retail therapy.

Shopping Centres DL1 2JS

Police Stations

Police Stations

Report a crime or make an enquiry at your local police station or constabulary in your area. Phone 101 in a non-emergency.

Police Stations in DL1 2JS


Emergency Facilities

A handy list of emergency information in this area, including hospitals, doctors, chemists and emergency services near DL1 2JS.

Emergencies in DL1 2JS

Post Offices

Post Offices

Whether you want to send a letter, make a Post Office transaction or pop a letter in the local postbox, we've got you covered.

Post Offices in DL1 2JS



A useful list of lending libraries located in and around DL1 2JS. May also lend CDs and DVDs, and other services available.

Libraries in DL1 2JS

Your views ofDL1 2JS

Chris H

Friday, December 6, 2024

We don't have any views of Dl12js right now. If you live in Dl12js or have visited it, please help us to help others by telling others what you think of this neighbourhood.

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Essential InformationDL1 2JS

DL12JS Postcode Breakdown

Full PostcodeDL1 2JS
Postal TownDarlington
Ward Name
Local Authority
Local Authority Code
Area ClassificationUrban with City and Town

DL12JS Postal District

Compass Postal District

DL1 2JS postcode is located in the postal town of Darlington. Darlington postal area may cover a large geographical region that may correspond to several postal districts, which may include many towns and/or villages. Use the map to determine the geographical location of the postcode DL1 2JS.

Nearest Towns & Cities
Darlington1.1 miles SW
Aycliffe3.8 miles N
Croft4.3 miles S
Eryholme4.4 miles SE
Middleton One Row4.5 miles E
Newton Aycliffe5 miles N
Newton Morrell5.4 miles SW
Lucy Cross5.7 miles SW
Stockton-on-Tees5.9 miles E
Aldbrough6.9 miles SW
Shildon7.4 miles NW
Gainford7.4 miles W
Bradbury7.5 miles N
Middleton Tyas7.7 miles SW
Forcett8 miles W
London219 miles SE
Glasgow138 miles NW
Edinburgh116 miles NW
Cardiff222 miles S
Liverpool98 miles SW
Southampton252 miles S
Saint Ives257 miles S

Toddler's stepdad denies being a "violent, chillingly cold killer" during trial

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Northallerton Christmas events schedule - here's what's happening in the town

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Emmerdale star rushed to hospital after hallucinating in hotel room for four days

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North East entrepreneur to speak at global investment conference in Saudi

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LIVE: Serious crash between van and a HGV on major North East A-Road

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Bishop Auckland building housing art gallery up for sale for over 130,000

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Could this be the end of classic beer? Brits move towards low-alcohol options

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Woman and five-year-old injured in cash on North East road

A woman and a five-year-old child were injured in a crash on the A695 near Gateshead on Tuesday.

Northern Echo