Train Stations
Nearest to AB13 0JB
Distance (in miles) | Station Name (Train Operator) | Town/City (nearest) | Website Departures and Arrivals | |
4.7MILES | Portlethen Train StationFirst ScotRail | Aberdeenshire | Departures | Arrivals |
5.8MILES | Aberdeen Train StationFirst ScotRail | Aberdeen City | Departures | Arrivals |
7.9MILES | Dyce Train StationFirst ScotRail | Aberdeen City | Departures | Arrivals |
9.2MILES | Stonehaven Train StationFirst ScotRail | Aberdeenshire | Departures | Arrivals |
14MILES | Inverurie Train StationFirst ScotRail | Aberdeenshire | Departures | Arrivals |
Airports and Airfields
Nearest to AB13 0JB
Distance (in miles) | Airport Name (ICAO Code) | Town/City (nearest) | Usage (Private/Public) | |
7.1MILES | Aberdeen AirportEGPD | Dyce | Public | |
53.9MILES | Dundee AirportEGPN | Dundee | Public | |
55.5MILES | LeucharsEGQL | Leuchars | Military | |
58.7MILES | LossiemouthEGQS | Lossiemouth | Military | |
62.4MILES | KinlossEGQK | Kinloss | Military | |
62.9MILES | SconeEGPT | Scone | Public |
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